I came across a web-test testing my skills in world business and politics today. It is called
FT Worldwise, is administrated by Financial Times and is hosted by
Smarterer.com. Being a keen follower of financial markets I wanted to test my knowledge of more general business/political issues relevant to investors. This is of course particularly interesting to us who consider ourselves global macro style investors. Why don’t you test it yourself?
A nice feature which makes it impossible to inflate your results before sharing them to your friends (and employers….) is that you can choose to share your results via social media! Being a social media novice I actually managed to do that on my (almost) dormant linkedin site. For those of you who are not already connected to me I can reveal that my results were OK. I am evidently
Proficient with a test result of 597 points out of 800. That puts me at
rank 254 out of 995. I think I can do better ( :) ) so I guess I have to redo the test again as soon as Smarter.com lets me……