THIS IS HANS BYSTRÖM'S BLOG ON ISSUES RELATED TO THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL MARKETS. Some entries will be in Swedish and some in English, depending on the context.
april 12, 2011
Hans top-ranked, twice!
I was recently informed that I actually top the ranking list of the (all-time) most downloaded research papers at the University of Technology, Sydney working papers series in Finance! My paper Merton for dummies: a flexible way of modelling default risk has apparently been downloaded 2683 times. See the figure or go here. I wrote that paper while working at University of Technology, Sydney in 2002-2004, that’s why it appears on their working paper series.
I was particularly happy about hearing this since I already top the ranking list of the (all-time) most downloaded research papers at Lund University working papers series in Economics with another paper. My paper Credit Default Swaps and Equity Prices: The iTraxx CDS Index Market has been downloaded 4276 times. See the second figure or go here. Notice the distance to the second most downloaded paper..... :)
I am not naïve enough to equate this in any way with these two papers being the best pieces of research coming out of these two institutions but, nonetheless, I enjoy the fact that so many people has made the decision to download (and hopefully read) my pieces of research. It is simply a nice acknowledgment of ones effort.... What a pity, though, that I am not paid per download!