I was recently informed that I actually top the ranking list of the (all-time) most downloaded research papers at the University of Technology, Sydney working papers series in Finance! My paper Merton for dummies: a flexible way of modelling default risk has apparently been downloaded 2683 times. See the figure or go here. I wrote that paper while working at University of Technology, Sydney in 2002-2004, that’s why it appears on their working paper series.
I was particularly happy about hearing this since I already top the ranking list of the (all-time) most downloaded research papers at Lund University working papers series in Economics with another paper. My paper Credit Default Swaps and Equity Prices: The iTraxx CDS Index Market has been downloaded 4276 times. See the second figure or go here. Notice the distance to the second most downloaded paper..... :)
I am not naïve enough to equate this in any way with these two papers being the best pieces of research coming out of these two institutions but, nonetheless, I enjoy the fact that so many people has made the decision to download (and hopefully read) my pieces of research. It is simply a nice acknowledgment of ones effort.... What a pity, though, that I am not paid per download!