Sometimes newspapers present you some intriguing results. The other day you could find articles in several major business papers on a “scientific” study finding that the length of your fingers is strongly correlated to your ability to make a profit as a trader!
More exactly, if you divide the length of your second finger (the index finger) with that of the fourth finger (the ring finger), the lower the ratio the better trader you are. The study was done by photo-copying a number of traders’ fingers and measure (by hand, using a ruler?) the ratio. Those with a low ratio made much more money, very much more in fact, than those with a higher ratio.
Why, you might wonder? Well, it is, allegedly, somehow related to the amount of testosterone you were exposed to before you were born.....
Of course, I just had to replicate the study on myself. The original study’s traders had values between 0.90 and 1.02. My value, ….drum roll…., was 0.90! OK, I might have measured more optimistically than the “scientists”, but even if we adjust somewhat for that (let’s say an error of +0.05 or so) I still end up in the lower span of, say, 0.90-0.95!!! See the attached figure.
Maybe I should switch my hobby (investments) into a full-time career! To that end, is there anyone out there with a better (lower) ratio??